Easter Manjaro Linux User Guide Discount – 30%
Easter Manjaro Linux User Guide Discount – 30%
Easter Manjaro Linux User Guide Discount Session
The Easter Manjaro Linux User Guide book Discount session is from 8th of April until the 22nd of April 2024, available at PACKT‘s website or directly from Amazon.com. The price is 30% down!
You can also use the Amazon.com checkout promocode 30MANJARO.
The full list of freely available articles is here: Manjaro Linux User Guide – For newbies, fans, and mid users. More information at the end of the article.
For Easter I also make a giveaway – 2 paperback copies, at the Embedded World Fair.
Manjaro Linux User Guide Includes
- Short history of GNU/Linux and distributions
- Installation, All available SW (including office tools and games)
- A great Terminal primer with examples and explanations
- Packaging systems, filesystems, and drives
- Network, sharing, the Internet, security with firewalls and VPN
- Systemd, processes, daemons, journal, users and groups
- System optimization and troubleshooting
- BASH scripting and automation with cron and systemd
- and the Linux Kernel!
All of them with guides, explanations, and examples for GUI and commands! Everything a beginner/intermediate should know about the BEST Operating System ever! To answer all your questions about the book, check this Article’s contents further down.
1. What You Will Learn
- Gain insight into the full set of Manjaro features and available SW
- Manjaro installation and customization via GUI with ease
- Basic and advanced Terminal usage with examples
- Learn about package management, filesystems, storage and network
- Learn network sharing, SSH, Internet security, firewalls and VPNs
- Know processes, systemd services, OS init, system logs, and users
- Troubleshooting and extracting system HW information
- Basic scripting and automation, kernel basics and switching
2. Who This Book Is For
- Regular users wanting to switch from macOS or Windows to one of the best Linux alternatives!
For them, I have described in detail all basic GUI features and have presented the Manjaro installation and the thousands of available software applications installation basics with screenshots. A comparison and information for the best tools in a few basic categories is also provided. Some of the topics like backup, storage management, encryption, firewalls, and a great Terminal primer, all with examples, will turn them into intermediate power users.
- Developers willing to jump into Linux.
To add to the previous list, without going into development, parts 3 and 4 describe many of the basics in an easy learn-by-example approach. These parts include basics of the Internet, Network fundamentals, service management, system logs, shell scripts, automation, and the Linux Kernel.
- Students in schools and universities who want to know the basics and later continue further with advanced Linux development books.
For them, all the topics targeting the previous two groups will give them the basics to later turn into highly paid professionals. Some may argue AI will overtake, but without people to use, develop, and manage it, AI would never exist. In addition – Linux itself is developed by people, and AI can leverage this but never create it by itself. Educate yourselves and stay in the top 5%, who will lead the next generation of discoveries based on the best OS Kernel in the world!
- Manjaro Linux users, who want to know every basic aspect of this distribution, and potentially turn themselves into power users.
- Linux users with less experience, who want to know more and turn into power users.
- Anyone willing to learn Linux. With simple explanations and examples, everyone can.
Required background – none in particular. Basic computer knowledge is helpful but not required to benefit from a great user-friendly distribution like Manjaro and with a detailed guide like this book.
3. Free articles from the book
Out of 74 sections in 16 chapters, I share for free 14 light topics, all listed on the main book page here: Manjaro Linux User Guide – free contents.Â
* * * * *
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All rights reserved. Parts of this free content are allowed to be cited only when the official link to this article is provided as a source of the information, the author’s name is mentioned, as well as the publisher and the book name, example: “Cited from the article <insert_link> by Atanas Georgiev Rusev, as part of the Manjaro Linux User Guide book by PACKT publishing, all rights reserved”.